Tim Tactical Advisor

Tim Tactical Advisor

Tim is a tactical advisor and analyst within a covert sector of the German government working to understand the missions and strategies of non-human intelligences on our planet, in this solar system, and beyond. Tim describes his direct contact experiences with more than 10 different extraterrestrial species, specializing with information based upon over 100 face-to-face meetings with the Greys. Through his experiences, Tim gained information on a conglomerate of ETs working with timeline manipulation, genetic seeding, and historic intergalactic conflicts. Connecting with a collective consciousness he refers to as “Being 6" on an interfrequential level, Tim reveals perspectives into the mysteries of our universe from different densities of reality.

78 videos found

Face-to-Face Encounters With the Greys
Cosmic Disclosure
German tactical advisor Tim shares his insider knowledge, explaining his face-to-face work and direct communications with the Greys.
Buried ET Craft at Blind Frog Ranch
Cosmic Disclosure
Are ET craft related to subterranean cave systems discovered in Utah? Offering evidence of satellite-imaged digs that connect UAP and a newly discovered element, high-risk oil contractor and Blind Frog Ranch owner Duane Ollinger joins Cosmic Disclosure.
 Breaking Down ET Stereotypes
Cosmic Disclosure
How do we understand the complexities of ET species, their goals, and their connections to humanity? Tim Tactical Advisor joins Emery Smith to discuss in-depth details on Greys, EBENs, reptilians, interdimensional beings, and the technology shared between them.
Hybridization Programs Exposed
Cosmic Disclosure
What do we know about hybridization programs involving ETs and humans on Earth? Experts Añjali, Tim, Richard Doty, and Emery Smith share insight on ETs placing hybrids in government roles to keep the realities of non-terrestrials on Earth in the shadows.
Frequencies and Our Galactic Family
Cosmic Disclosure
How do we connect with our galactic families? Tim Tactical Advisor suggests we are blocked by our programming. He shares insights on how to overcome it by accessing higher frequential harmonics.
Time Units: Temporal Dimensions & Shifting Timelines
Cosmic Disclosure
What are time units and how do they affect humanity? Tim Tactical Advisor shares how the group of beings who form a “time unit” reach backward in time from a future version of Earth to help maintain order and proper trajectory of the timeline. Sharing his communications with time traveling Greys, Tim clarifies time travel is something very few beings or species have access to.
 The Greys: Guiding Evolution
Cosmic Disclosure
With so much misinformation surrounding extraterrestrials, it can be hard to know friends from foe. As Tim Tactical Advisor shares, it is best not to be afraid.
Mantis, Greys & Power Structures
Cosmic Disclosure
How are governments keeping contact experiences quiet if up to 30,000 cases are happening each year? Discover the links between hybrids, ETs, genetic modifications, and contact with insider Tim Tactical Advisor.
The First Order of The Greys
Cosmic Disclosure
What is the First Order and how does it relate to extraterrestrials? According to Tim Tactical Advisor, the First Order is the original name the Greys gave themselves, as they believe maintaining order throughout the universe and timelines is their responsibility.
Pyramids & Time Displacement
Cosmic Disclosure
What is the function of the pyramids and who built them? Join retired AFOSI agent Richard Doty and Tim Tactical Advisor for a discussion on the frequencies and anomalies of pyramids,from time-displacement to radioactivity.
Captive ETs at Area 51
Cosmic Disclosure
Have extraterrestrials ever harmed any civilians? Explore the secrets of Area 51 with retired AFOSI agent Richard Doty, who discloses an incident in the 1980s of an escaped Insectoid. Discover the hidden truths of special access programs since Roswell.
Contacting Being 6
Truth Hunter
How can we understand higher levels of non-human consciousness in the universe? Tim Tactical Advisor describes his experiences with Being 6, a collective of souls operating in harmony at a higher frequency.
Truth Hunter
What evidence do we have of extraterrestrials manipulating human DNA? Journalist Linda Moulton Howe returns for a special season of Truth Hunter with Tim, Tactical Advisor from Germany, to find to the truth behind ET interactions with humans over time.
Sentient UFOs & Lunar Technology
Cosmic Disclosure
What role does the moon play in regards to ET technology and human life on Earth? Tim and David Adair share answers about ancient tech (including the moon) from the consciousness frequency Being 6, the Greys, and a sentient spaceship Pitholem at Area 51.
Are Humans Sentient AI?
Cosmic Disclosure
Is it possible humans are actually artificial intelligence who believe we are sentient beings? From self-awareness to artificial intelligence, insiders Tim and David Adair reveal a realistic perspective of our unfolding future and the potentials of sentience.
New Disclosure Insider
Cosmic Disclosure
For the first time ever, Tim (first name only), a Tactical Advisor within the covert governance in Germany, is coming forward to publicly share his unique experiences with ET races, their dimensional access to us, and interactions on Earth with humankind.
Cosmic Disclosure
Do our government agencies have treaties or agreements surrounding downed ET craft and reverse engineered technology? Sharing information spanning decades, retired AFOSI agent Richard Doty and Tim Tactical Advisor discuss Disclosure today and tomorrow.
Holoforms, Psionics & ET Manipulation
Truth Hunter
Are humans unknowingly interacting with ETs on Earth? From psionics to holoforms, Tim explains how non-terrestrials can cloak themselves using acoustic frequencies to manipulate the perceptions of both humans and ETs.